I can relate to being so enamored with something that you want to cram every fact and thought about it into one piece, at the risk of putting your reader to sleep and also still not being satisfied 😂. (I’m kind of in that boat at the moment.) I think your A-Z approach was the perfect answer. And you’ve definitely made me an even bigger Wanda Gág fan!

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Thanks! It's a tricky balance. Sometimes I have to remind myself to just do whatever I want—this is just a newsletter!

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You’re so right!

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So wonderful! And I'm struck at how little I knew about her despite Millions of Cats being one of my lifetime most read and beloved books. I'm excited to dig in deeper.

So, I imagine you're already in the know on this, but the Kerlan Collection at the University of Minnesota has a massive archive of her work and correspondence: https://archives.lib.umn.edu/repositories/4/resources/3507

And, more generally, they have funding for researchers available sporadically... :-)

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Thanks, Sara! You'll love learning more about her! Yes, I have fantasies about getting to see the Kerlan Collection in person. :)

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Taylor, this was soooo good. I love the fun way you organized it. Very clever. And I learned so much I didn't know about her from my own study. So inspiring!

You highlighted one of my favorite quotes from her which is about being the center of her own universe. That quote startled me because I feel like I was trained to make everyone else the center of my universe -- my "purpose" was to orbit/support/nurture them -- and I've found a lot of women I know have similar experiences. And through all her journals and stuff, there were so many things she expressed about the female experience that were spot on...I hadn't heard anyone put them that way before. Super empowering!

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Thanks, Rachel! I'm so grateful for her diaries. She was a gifted artist and thinker, and I don't think we would have known just how intellectual and brave she was without them. She was a true poet. I'm so obsessed with her.

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You are so right! What a gift!!

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This was such a good read, I cannot believe this is the first time I've heard of her. I'm definitely going to try and find more examples of her work.

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Oh yay! I hope you do!

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