There's so much depth and richness here, Taylor -- wow.

I loved May I Bring a Friend? as a child. It's one of those books that, upon seeing it as an adult, caused in me a strange, visceral reaction -- total recognition that once upon a time, I fell face-first into it and lived in it for the time it took to read it. So thank you for introducing me to The Witches of Venice -- it sounds like my kind of book through and through. (And I am ALWAYS here for a children's opera, especially once written by Philip Glass!)

This line from Rundell really nails it for me: "“Children’s books are not a hiding place, they are a seeking place." YES. 1000 times yes. (You share this so beautifully in this newsletter. I'm truly jealous.)

Also this: "We should wake in the morning and as we put on our trousers we should remember the seahorse and we should scream with awe and never stop screaming until we fall asleep, and th same the next day, and the next." I'm in full agreement.

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Thank you, Sarah! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I know, Rundell is a genius, right? Thanks for being such a kind supporter of Moonbow. It means a lot to me. xo

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Those quotes from Rundell are SO good and exactly why I love a good fantasy read. And I love the line about children’s books being a seeking place - how very true.

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Right?! So good!

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Oooh I loved this! I’m also obsessed with anything folklore and medieval right now, and I love the threads that linked these fantastic recommendations ❤️

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Thanks so much, Katy!

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