Exceptional, as always. Zadie and Virginia are always leafed open on my desk, so your writing lately has not only been inspiring, but a reminder that we are not alone in our hunger. And the act of influence, especially yours, can be a gift.
Wonderful! the always connecting dots which then take you off to more dot connecting is what I love about discovering. Plus Those photos are so beautiful too, off to look up more.
Thanks for this reminder! I'm taking time off from writing my newsletter this summer, and I keep finding myself wanting to share new discoveries and not having anyone to talk about them with. One is are.na. It feels almost like a digi version of a zettlekasten. I searched "creativity and motherhood" and got different results than I usually do.
Taylor, I don’t know how you do it, but I admire it so much — you’re a wonderful writer, thinker, critic, and person. Kudos, once again, on another excellent post.
Thanks for introducing me to Maggie Nelson! Off to spend some more $$ now.
Exceptional, as always. Zadie and Virginia are always leafed open on my desk, so your writing lately has not only been inspiring, but a reminder that we are not alone in our hunger. And the act of influence, especially yours, can be a gift.
Wow, thank you, Meghan! That means so much to me.
really loved this post! I feel both seen and encouraged. 🥰
So glad!
Thank you for resting my mind of my habitual tit-biting. I am grateful to know that I am not alone. ❤️
Wonderful! the always connecting dots which then take you off to more dot connecting is what I love about discovering. Plus Those photos are so beautiful too, off to look up more.
Thanks babe!
Love these latest connections from the brilliant mind of Taylor :)
You’re too kind, Rachel! ;)
Thanks for this reminder! I'm taking time off from writing my newsletter this summer, and I keep finding myself wanting to share new discoveries and not having anyone to talk about them with. One is are.na. It feels almost like a digi version of a zettlekasten. I searched "creativity and motherhood" and got different results than I usually do.
I LOVE are.na!!!
Ideas beget more ideas almost as if by magic….I just loved this Taylor 💫
Exactly! Thanks, Jennifer.
Taylor, I don’t know how you do it, but I admire it so much — you’re a wonderful writer, thinker, critic, and person. Kudos, once again, on another excellent post.
The feeling is mutual, Sarah! Thank you.