Apr 16, 2022Liked by Taylor Sterling

I love receiving Moonbow and would def be down for a once a week newsletter only if it wasn’t draining on you!

As far as content I get hyped on book reviews and author/illustrator deep dives! Interviews with current authors and illustrators would be VERY FUN! love anything creative process related :)

And obviously I’m gonna engage 😂

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I like a weekly newsletter. The variety of everything you’re suggesting sounds like a lot of fun: reviews, recommendations, interviews. Having guests curate a little 5 book stack would be a fun component of interviews, perhaps?

I never comment on Substack—only for you!

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Apr 16, 2022Liked by Taylor Sterling

I like once or twice a month newsletters— that way they feel special and I have some time to catch up on my reads when it’s busy! I’ve never used substack so I’ll be interested to see how it all works with engaging, etc! But a good learning experience because I’m interested in also launching a newsletter! I have two young kids so book recs are so great. I love your adult recs also and usually read them all. :)

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Apr 16, 2022Liked by Taylor Sterling

I’m new to substack, too, so I am probably more of the reader of reviews and book recommendations type. Prob 1-2x a month sounds good. Author interviews sounds good and I like the idea of guests giving book recs, too.

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Apr 16, 2022Liked by Taylor Sterling

I tend to breeze past newsletters if they are too frequent. 1-2x a month would be best for me! love book recs and interviews of authors and illustrators. I don’t usually engage much but I’m a sucker for a giveaway… :)

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Apr 17, 2022Liked by Taylor Sterling

Hi! I’m so passionate about children’s literature (inherited from my mom!) so this is very exciting! I’d definitely like a newsletter every week or every other week (and agree with Ginny- only if it’s not draining!) To be honest, I’ve never even heard of Substack but I’d engage in things I’m interested (like this!) I’d love new recommendations but also help reminding me about all the good books from growing up (the 80’s and 90’s). Also, would love reminders about all the great Caldecott and Newberry winners! This is so great, Taylor!!

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Apr 17, 2022Liked by Taylor Sterling

Hi Taylor! Personally, I follow you mostly because of all the things you share about literature of any kind. I love any and all kinds of books, but am a sucker for children's books, so I will take any newsletter frequency you are up for sending! Once a week is fabulous, but if it feels like too much I can wait longer :)

For content, I am looking for recommendations, book reviews, and I would love author/illustrator interviews! I think that's something I have been doing a lot this year so far is reading biographies of favorite children's authors who aren't here anymore (Margaret Wise Brown in particular). So it would be really special to be able to hear what any current authors have to say about their creative process or really anything they care to share that makes them happy.

I am happy to engage with any discussion post you have!

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I'm acting as Danielle here. She doesn't know how to comment :) and sent this in an email:

1. I think anything more than once a week I would skip reading some. Just so much content out there. I would prefer not to miss them though! So ya frequent would not be my preference.

2 . No idea how to comment on substack!

3. Book recommendations and bios on writers and illustrators

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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Taylor Sterling

2x a month, no but engagement like this is helpful, book recommendations and interviews!

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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Taylor Sterling

I’m thrilled about this. My daughter is only 8 months old and although I’ve thoroughly enjoyed diving into children’s literature (a poetry/lit enthusiast myself), I have felt slightly overwhelmed in absorbing the vastness of children’s authors out there and building a library that feels both stylistically reflective of themes we are drawn to and in alignment with stories we value. I look forward to learning more about relevant authors with deep dives and current interviews, but I’m also really drawn to the charm of older stories and eccentric illustrations and would appreciate recommendations for more offbeat classics as well. I probably only have the bandwidth for twice monthly catch-ups but would be grateful for any interval that feels conceivable to you! Thank you, thank you🤍

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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Taylor Sterling

1. I like the cadence of a weekly newsletter! Anything more than that I think gets to be too overwhelming. And on the flip, newsletters that come less frequently but are much text-heavier also tend to lose my interest because I just don't have the time to sit and read through.

2. If I'm subscribed to a substack, I'm already likely to engage! I try to be realistic/selective about who/how many I follow. But it always helps when there's some sort of prompt/question being asked to encourage conversation in the comments.

3. I want to see all the reviews/recommendations! I think some themed/relevant roundups would be fun too.

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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Taylor Sterling

Hi Taylor! I’ve really been enjoying Moonbow so far and appreciate you reaching out for feedback.

Q: How often do you like receiving newsletters? (1x a week, 1x a month, 2x a month, etc.)

A: I would say once or twice a month. I always feel like I am struggling to keep up with all the things and more frequently (like weekly) would likely leave me behind.

Q: Do you usually comment and engage on Substack? If not, what would help get you involved?

A: No. I am new to substack so just not yet a familiar platform - still getting used to it. I think specific questions/prompts would encourage me to get more involved. Like this! :)

Q: What type of Moonbow content is of interest to you? (Reviews, criticism, book recommendations, interviews, etc.)

A: all of it!!

Thanks again and have a great day!


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Apr 18, 2022Liked by Taylor Sterling

I like once or twice a month newsletters, sometimes even just weekly can overwhelm me these days 🥴. Giveaways are always a push to engage, but mostly I only comment if I really feel like I have something of value to add.

Here for the deep dives into illustrators/authors!

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Apr 20, 2022Liked by Taylor Sterling

I like an every other week newsletter (2x month). Frequent enough that it stays on my mind, but not so much that I can't keep up with it. I've never been a part of a Substack community before so this is all new for me, but I love being able to see others' thoughts and recommendations here. Thanks to your last post I have so many new books queued up to read with my kids! Having a direct link in the email to get to any discussions is particularly helpful. I am into everything you're doing so far - particularly your reviews / deep dive critiques / creative interpretations of the books you're sharing about. I love when you explore themes or characters in a story, or thread together ideas and connections that I never would have noticed or made space to think about. Recos are always amazing too! And your last newsletter with Elodie's interview was just awesome. Maybe an occasional element that's for kids by kids? Fun to read about books that are personally meaningful to you too and the stories behind them. Honestly anything that you feel drawn to - I know I'll be into! xx

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Apr 24, 2022Liked by Taylor Sterling

As a mother of two little ones subscribed to a handful of substacks, I like a monthly newsletter because the infrequency of it ensures I’d read it every time. I think I’d probably engage more in monthly ones given the scarcity of them!

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May 3, 2022Liked by Taylor Sterling

I love receiving either weekly or bi-monthly newsletters. All of your content is always extremely interesting and a real treat to read. I just heard about substack and do not normally comment but will do from now on! Hope it helps 😊

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