Stop and Smell the Tulips
Alternate title: "James and the Giant Tulip." Alternate of the alternate title: "My Favorite Spring Children's Story" (A lackluster title that'd probably get more clicks than me trying to be cute.)
Ask any James Marshall fan what their favorite George and Martha story is, and you’ll receive a quick, enthusiastic answer. Often it’s “Split Pea Soup” or “The Surprise” — both of which are charming and hilarious (a Marshall specialty), but neither is my favorite. The story that planted a seed in my heart is “The Garden,” the last story in George and Martha: Encore.
“The Garden” starts with Martha feeling discouraged about her messy weed garden. “I don’t seem to have a green thumb,” she sobbed. (Who can relate?!) Being the good friend that he is, George comes up with the absurd but ingenious idea to “plant” store-bought tulips (Martha’s favorite flower) in her unsightly garden. While George is sneakily sticking the tulips into the ground, Martha spots him, but the surprise isn’t ruined, at least not for Martha. She knows George’s thoughtful act isn’t really about the garden. How could it be? Those tulips are going to die by the end of the day! This is about friendship, and Martha kindl…